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Most of the things in Warzone are easy to calculate, but some of them can be pretty confusing. Here are some of the formulas we use to calculate things.


Nearly all calculations in formulas are done with integers. This means that numbers are nearly always rounded down to the nearest integer. This includes damage bonuses, weight multipliers, damage multipliers, experience bonuses, accuracy bonuses (down to the nearest percent).

However, note that time is usually rounded down to the nearest 0.1 second, and distance is usually rounded down to the nearest 1/128 tile.


Ever wonder how damage is calculated in Warzone? If you just want to know if armor is subtractive or multiplicative, it's subtractive:

whichever is higher.

There are 2 kinds of armor: kinetic and thermal.
Kinetic armor protects tanks from "physical" damage (ie from machineguns, cannons, rockets, etc.). Thermal armor is used to protect the tank body from "heat" damage type weapons such as flamers, lasers, thermite bombs, etc.

But to know exactly how much damage you're going to do, you need to know how to calculate base damage.

The formula

BASE DAMAGE = Weapon damage × Weapon damage upgrade modifier × Propulsion/Structure damage modifier

ARMOR = Target armor × Target armor upgrade modifier

Damage is BASE DAMAGEARMOR, or 1/3 of BASE DAMAGE, whichever is higher, rounded down (The exception is when rounding down would make damage 0, in which case damage is rounded up to 1).


  • Weapon damage is the base damage of the weapon—what you see in the "Damage" column of the turret table.

  • Weapon damage upgrade modifier is the best damage upgrade you've researched for the weapon's subclass.

  • Propulsion/Structure damage modifier is the multiplier in the above damage tables.

  • Target armor is the target's thermal armor for thermal weapons, and kinetic armor for kinetic weapons. In tanks and VTOLs, thermal armor depends on nothing but the vehicle body.

  • Target armor upgrade modifier is the best kinetic/thermal armor upgrade your target has researched for it.

An example

Green's Tank Killer Scorpion Half-Tracks shoots Yellow's Heavy Cannon Python Tracks. Green has HESH Rocket Warhead, and Yellow has Dense Composite Alloys.

Tank Killer (an anti-tank weapon) has 180 damage. HESH Rocket Warhead gives 275%, and anti-tank weapons do 120% damage against tracks.

BASE DAMAGE = 180 × 275% × 120% = 524.

Tank Killer is a kinetic weapon, and Python has 20 Kinetic Armor. Dense Composite Alloys upgrades 220%.

ARMOR = 20 × 220% = 44

524 − 44 (480) is greater than 524 × 1/3 (174), so the tank killer does 480 damage each time it hits (Notice that it fires two salvos; if they both hit, the tank killer does 960 damage, a significant proportion of the 2260 HP after upgrades that the heavy cannon tank has).

Hit points (Health)

Hit points(HP) of Unit are calculated as summ of hit points of components of Unit

Each Unit have 3 components:
  • Body
  • Propulsion
  • Turret
Note: Multiturret bodies (Dragon) can have 2 turrets so in that case unit has 4 components (body, propulsion, turret1, turret2).

Unit HP = (Body HP + Body HP x Propulsion HP modifier + Turret HP) x HP upgrade modifier


  • Body HP base hit points of body

  • Propulsion HP modifier hit points modifier for propulsion

  • Turret HP hit points of turret (turrets). Some turrets have 0 HP whilc other turrets can have 500 HP

  • HP upgrade modifier modifier from armor upgrades. Each researchof composite alloys increases this modifier.


Speed = Base Speed × Speed Penalty × Unit Experience Bonus
Speed = Propulsion Max Speed × Unit Experience Bonus

(Whichever is lower.)

Base Speed = Engine Power After Upgrades × Propulsion Speed × Propulsion Terrain Multiplier / Total Weight

Speed Penalty is 3/4 if using a medium body on VTOL, 1/4 if using a heavy body on VTOL, and 1 in all other cases.

This speed is in units of world-coordinates per second. There are 128 world-coordinates in a tile, so, for instance, a unit with a speed of 128 would go at a speed of one tile per second.

That "Terrain Multiplier" is pretty important. You'd expect it to be 1× for all propulsions flat terrain, but it's actually 2.5× for VTOLs.

Prodution/Construction time

Production Time (Build Points)

Production time (also known as Build points) is time required to produce unit in factory.

Note: Factory modules decrease production time of units

Production time (build points) of Unit are calculated as summ of build points of components of Unit

Each Unit have 3 components:
  • Body
  • Propulsion
  • Turret
Note: Multiturret bodies (Dragon) can have 2 turrets so in that case unit has 4 components (body, propulsion, turret1, turret2).

Unit Build Points = (Body Build Points + Body Build Points x Propulsion Build Points modifier + Turret Build Points) x Production upgrade modifier


  • Body Build Points base Build Points of body

  • Propulsion Build Points modifier Build Points modifier for propulsion

  • Turret Build Points Build Points of turret (turrets). Some turrets are produced very slow.

  • Production upgrade modifier modifier from production upgrades (upgrades like Automatic Manufacturing, Robotic manufacturing)

Construction Time

Construction Time is time required to build a building by trucks/cyborg engineers

Note: more trucks = faster build

Construction time (seconds) = Structure build points / (Truck construct points x Engineering upgrade modifier x Count of trucks)


  • Structure build points Build Points of structure. More build points means longer construction time.

  • Truck construct points Construct points of truck/cyborg engineer. More construct points means faster build

  • Engineering upgrade modifier modifier from engineering upgrades (upgrades like Improved Engineering, Advanced Engineering)

  • Count of trucks how much trucks/cyborg engineers are used to build up structure

Unit ranks

Kills required
(multiplayer <=4.3.2 and campaign)
Kills required
(multiplayer >4.3.2)
Speed Accuracy Enemy
Regular units Commander/Sensor Regular units Commander/Sensor
Rookie 0 0 0 0 +0% +0% -0% -0%
Green 4 8 2 12 +5% +5% -5% -6%
Trained 8 16 4 24 +10% +10% -10% -12%
Regular 16 32 6 36 +15% +15% -15% -18%
Professional 32 64 8 48 +20% +20% -20% -24%
Veteran 64 128 10 60 +25% +25% -25% -30%
Elite 128 256 12 72 +30% +30% -30% -36%
Special 256 512 14 84 +35% +35% -35% -42%
Hero 512 1024 16 96 +40% +40% -40% -48%